Saturday, July 27, 2024

The study reduces the risk of cancer


The power of extra virgin olive oil on our health is enormous, it can reduce the risk of all forms of cancer by 31%, being an antioxidant. A very careful study revealed different information in this regard.

This food product, which we regularly consume on our tables and dishes, since it is part of our culture, has many properties including It inhibits the growth of cancer thanks to its anti-oxidant effect.

Evo oil reduces the risk of cancer

The product also has great benefits for our bodies in reducing the risk of cancer. Those who consume it in appropriate amounts seem to have a lower risk of developing cancer than those who do not consume it at all or in very small amounts. This product has a myriad of properties that play an important role in our health, being its source Essential fatty acids, an ally in the prevention of chronic degenerative diseases, are useful against oxidative stress and free radical formation. This is why the . is added Anti-cancer properties, a finding made by some research, which has increasingly convinced many not to give up the product but to eat it regularly.

What emerged from the study

Search highlighted pressure Relationship between extra virgin olive oil consumption and cancer risk. In fact, the study made sure that important data for our health emerged, namely Cancer risk among individuals who regularly consumed extra virgin olive oil and those who did not. The data that came out was really reassuring, given that according to trials on about 45 cases, Those who consume extra virgin olive oil have a 31% lower chance of developing any type of cancer. A large percentage reassure us and reassure us.

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The relationship between extra virgin olive oil consumption and cancer risk
The relationship between extra virgin olive oil consumption and cancer risk

We must not forget that this product has an exceptional composition due to the presence of a large amount of it Monounsaturated fatty acids, squalene, and phenolic compounds. It is really the rich properties of EVO oil that helps our bodies to fight the always lurking enemies of cancer, especially those related to a myriad of cancers. Cancer diseases.


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