Saturday, July 27, 2024

The cold strengthens your immune defenses: you will never buy aspirin again


If you always suffer from a cold in winter, strengthen your immune defenses in this natural way: here’s how.

The winter period is complicated for several reasons. Cold temperatures force us indoors, as the days get shorter, we lose the desire to leave the house and make it harder to get out of bed.

Colds: you can defend yourself with these natural ingredients –

The immune system is weakened, among other things, and seasonal diseases are always around the corner. The cold primarily affects all our friends, relatives and family in turn and we are slowly waiting for it to touch us as well.

But all of this can be avoided with Novelty remedies Highly effective and completely natural. Something we can easily find that will protect us from diseases, especially colds, even without using over-the-counter medications. Here’s what you need to stock your pantry to protect against runny noses, coughs, sore throats, and the whole package.

How to protect yourself from seasonal colds with a completely natural remedy

Luxury, as we know, basically comes from the table, and in this case too, that is where you should look The solution against colds Seasonal events that hit us in the winter. This all-natural product – which you can make at home using very few items and ingredients – will strengthen your immune system and is also a delicious dish that will warm your heart on a cold winter day!

How to protect yourself from colds
Mushroom and cashew soup against seasonal colds: recipe –

One great setup too Mushroom and cashew soup Crazy flavour, original and delicious. Here’s how to prepare it.


  • 300 grams of mushrooms
  • 150 grams of cashews
  • Extra virgin olive oil as desired
  • Sell ​​QB
  • 1 chopped onion
  • 2 cloves of minced garlic
  • 1 liter of vegetable broth
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  1. Start by frying: Place it in a frying pan Olio Plenty and fry the onion and garlic until they become golden brown.
  2. Add i Mushrooms And if you want some spices like thyme.
  3. Then add Vegetable broth Allow the mushrooms to cook well. It will take about fifteen minutes of cooking.
  4. Put the whole mixture in the blender, mix everything and add to it Cashews It mixes with the rest of the cream.
  5. Season with salt, pepper and oil to taste and you will see how delicious it is and how much it will warm your heart and your day.


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