Saturday, July 27, 2024

That’s why we should pay attention to the potential psychological tricks that some supermarkets use to make us spend more


Some supermarkets often use some tricks to get us to spend more. Sometimes it’s just a file Game From the parties because we know them well and accept them. We love it too, as we often buy so many products not out of real necessity but out of vanity or gluttony.

Here, many supermarkets know our weaknesses well and try to exploit them for their own use and pleasure. However, if we want to save something at the end of the month, we should at least know these tricks. This way, we will always be able to choose whether or not to be affected. For this reason, in particular, we should pay attention to the potential psychological tricks that some supermarkets use to get us to spend more.

Cart Dimensions

We never noticed it but the supermarket carts are really quite big. If we think that’s a compliment that supermarkets give us so we don’t have to eat two, we’re very wrong. In fact, it is a psychological trick that we try to fill in. Unconsciously, in order to feel satisfied, we always want to fill the cart and the larger it is, the more we spend. If we talk about prices, then we will notice that often there are a large number of nines after the decimal point. We consumers always focus on the number before the decimal point and will see 9.99 as 9 and not 10. The psychological threshold of ten euros is not exceeded and we feel good about buying this product.

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That’s why we should pay attention to the potential psychological tricks that some supermarkets use to make us spend more

Then there are some products that supermarkets leave either near the exit counters or near the entrance. We think of sweets, flowersAnd chimneys and candy. These products are usually not written in the shopping list and we rarely buy them by themselves. However, if we see them immediately or when we are about to pay the situation changes and we buy them. Finally, the basic necessities are in very difficult places. Let’s think about how hard we look for salt or sugar. Since we’re going to buy it anyway, supermarkets put them in hard to reach places. This forces us to see all the lanes and, in the meantime, buy more. Knowing all these things we can shop more safely.


If we spend a lot of money in the supermarket and do not save it, it is the fault of our very bad habit


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