Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sweden’s elections, Prime Minister Andersen resigns and admits defeat: the right-wing and far-right government


Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena AndersonThe leader of the Social Democrats resigned. The announcement came live on television in a speech in which the prime minister acknowledged the victory of the right-wing coalition, backed by the far-right Swedish Democrats led by Jimmy Akesson, in Sunday’s election.

The tally of the results was not yet completed, but Andersen, the first woman in history to lead Sweden’s executive branch, conceded defeat, paving the way for the center-right’s attempt to form a new government. The coalition formed by the Moderates, the Swedish Democrats, the Christian Democrats and the Liberals won 176 seats against 173 from the centre-left coalition.

This is a historical result because it marks the entry of the majority and the Democratic government, a formation that, despite its name, has post-fascist origins and harsh stances on immigration. For the first time, the Democrats, who belong to the same Brotherhood of Italy group in Strasbourg, outperformed the moderates of Ulf Christerson, the main centre-right formation, and came in second with 20.6 percent of the vote. Kristerson will likely lead the new executive, but Jamie Akeson, the 45-year-old former web designer at the helm of the Democrats, the true kingmaker of this election, can celebrate too.

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