Saturday, July 27, 2024

Stunning new image of the sunrise on Mars: InSight shot


Each dawn has its own mysterious grandeur. Writer Victor Hugo’s idea is quite plausible, but the Earth is not the only planet where this moment of the day literally takes your breath away. L ‘Sunrise on Mars It’s not far behind and that meaning has been confirmed with the latest images taken by NASA.

We’re talking about images “taken” by the probe Mars Insight US space agency. The helicopter on the red planet seems to have its days numbered, while this spacecraft is working hard and was able to capture the sunrise on Mars on April 10. The shot could not fail to generate significant international interest.

As you can read in the NASA tweet accompanying the image showing the gorgeous sunrise on Mars, it’s hard to tire of these events that always keep surprises very welcome. If this stunning photo isn’t enough, you can count on Short lead time by agency Thanks to InSight images, it shows different angles and different phases of dawn. The probe in question is designed to stay on the surface of the planet for a long time, in particular, to deepen its internal features. However, he often manages to “pass the time” with these photos that make Mars more interesting.

dust storm

InSight has been on the Red Planet since November 2018, that is, since it landed. Access point in the area Elysium Planetia Mars, while the probe has now moved to a larger area, after completing the main mission for an entire Martian year (Just under 700 days). The Martian weather They’re not always calm, and only recently a massive dust storm threatened to permanently destroy NASA’s spacecraft, forcing scientists to opt for a “safe sandbox”, so as not to overstress the solar panels.

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daily phenomenon

This was a smart move and we can now enjoy the sunrise on Mars in all its beauty. This isn’t the first time InSight has provided images of this kind, on the other hand, sunrise and sunset are daily on Mars, but in the case of the April 10 event, dawn made us move like several other times during the mission. It’s a imitation of these NASA flights to capture the minute moments that… The sun rises and setsAnd to return to the first time that a person was able to admire these phenomena with his own eyes, it is necessary to return to the seventies of the last century.

The world discovered what it means for the sunrise on Mars on June 14, 1978, a historic photograph made possible by the mission Viking 2 on the red planet. Two years earlier, on August 21, 1976 to be exact, the Viking 1 mission was instead able to shoot sunset on mars. From that moment on, there was no stopping, and more and more spacecraft and other spacecraft have tried their hand at one of the most requested images by scientists. According to a recent discovery, It would be very difficult to talk about Marsbut the first guy to be a fan of live shows of this kind will surely miss the words because of a lot of emotion.


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