Saturday, July 27, 2024

SKY Perfect JSAT will develop technology to remove space debris using lasers


I Space debris I problem Dangerous for missions, especially in low Earth orbit (LEO). Space stations are located here, and in the future there will be an increase in human activity which may lead to significant risks to astronauts as well as other satellites. Fortunately, in recent years, awareness on the part of space agencies, governments, and private companies has succeeded in reducing this problem by preventing anti-satellite weapons tests (Russia last conducted a test in 2021).

However, a significant amount of space debris related to activities of recent decades remains in orbit, both large and small. Some estimates indicate that there are more than 100 million pieces larger than one millimeter in size. there Sky Perfect JSAT Company He thinks of a new system to eliminate them, thanks to A technology Which involves using Laser To eradicate.

Spokesman SkyPerfect JSAT He mentioned that “As a satellite operator, the issue of debris is now an environmental issue as important as global warming and marine plastic pollution. SKY Perfect JSAT and Orbital Lasers address this issue and aim to contribute to improving the sustainable space environment.”.

Space debris

According to the Asian company's official press release, the technology will be developed starting next fiscal year. SkyPerfect JSAT It aims to obtain operational models of 2029 This will begin the removal process Space debris. In particular, we believe that we can find i Space debris A. pointed out Laser beam When they are high energy, they reduce their orbital speed to allow them to reenter the atmosphere as quickly as possible by burning up completely.

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Space debris

I First model It can be practical in 2027 There will be a sales service for the performance of these satellites in order to provide useful orbits for other companies. SkyPerfect JSAT He also added that this would be a safe system because there would be no physical contact with other objects, preventing it from losing more fragments. Operating costs should instead be reduced because it would not be necessary to use additional propellant “moving” A satellite that is no longer operational or part of it to re-enter the atmosphere.


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