Saturday, July 27, 2024

San Lorenzo’s tears are back: when and how do we see them


back to meteor shower This year’s most awaited, now visible: le Persidi, known as San Lorenzo tearsIn the next few days they will plow the night sky with their luminous paths. NASA cameras have already intercepted one on July 26, after it was Recorded and photographed the solar flare earlier this month.

In the northern hemisphere, and therefore also in Italy, it will be It is possible to attend the astronomical display of the “star meteor” already on these evenings, in the range from 22.00 to 4.00 in the morning. Peak visibility, however, is expected at At night between August 11 and 12, the sky is crossed by a hundred paths of light visible to the naked eye every hour. See also August 8, the day the moon will enter the new moon phase and therefore will not be very bright, since from the Earth one hemisphere can be seen completely in the shadows; So it will be easier to spot the tears of San Lorenzo.

Perseids are nothing more than a swarm of meteors that crossed the Earth during the summer period (from the end of July to about August 20) traveling in its orbit around the Sun. Concentration of particles and debris left over from the previous orbits of Comet Swift-Tuttle (Its last pass into perihelion dates back to 1992) which hit the atmosphere at a speed of up to 225 thousand km / h, with increasing temperature, thus assuming the appearance of Lines of light are clearly visible at night. The Perseids take their name from the constellation Perseus, whose radioactive interior is located, which is the point from which a swarm of meteorites appears to come.

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NASA recommends getting a perfect view of the meteor shower Abandon urban centers and choose a place surrounded by nature, and thus away from the light pollution of the city. Those who can’t attend the live show, such as residents of major cities or particularly luminous places, will be able to follow the swarm of Perseids streaming in on NASA’s social pages. Rendezvous at night between August 11 and 12, with eyes turned toward the sky or a computer screen (a less romantic approach for sure).

Image source: NASA/Bill Ingalls


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