Saturday, July 27, 2024

Rome, 19 billion construction sites to change the face of the capital


“For many years – says the Director General of Roma Capitale, Paolo Aile – that local public administrations have focused on playing a role alone in the upward phase of investments, that is, the search for the resources necessary to realize them, and in the downward phase of reporting. Instead, there is structural weakness, And Roma Capital is no exception, in the middle part, from contract planning and management. That’s why we are thinking of a wide use of agreements with third parties as happened with Anas.” million.” “Project financing is also a solution we will be piloting in managing heat and energy in schools, in closing the waste cycle and in managing complex public infrastructures,” says Ailey.

Resources for the five floors

But let’s see the resources for each of the five floors. During the week Gualtieri will present the Jubilee Plan and the Waste Plan. Funding for the Jubilee Plan is $1.3 billion, but it will reach $4.2 billion given funding from various sources. The waste plan provides for an investment of 1.3 billion, of which about 700 million is for a waste-to-energy plant. The plan – which will refer to the overall strategy for 2030 with directions and targets for waste production, separate waste collection quota, logistics and plant engineering – also provides for the construction of two biodegraders in Casal Selce and Cesano. They are largely PNRR financing. The waste plan will be subject to public discussion and Strategic Environmental Assessment (Vas), prior to the final launch.

For Pnrr, estimation is complex. The municipality of Rome estimates that it has three billion in investments managed directly, but it does not take into account the many investments made by other subjects. The most reliable work was carried out by the Minister of Infrastructures and Sustainable Mobility, Enrico Giovannini, who estimates the investment in Rome at about 6-6.5 billion (net of 1.3 billion allocated on the jubilee floor). The chapters are rapid mass transit with the Palmero-Togliatti and Termini-Vatican-Aurelio tram lines and renewal of the bus and metro fleet (1,656 million), investments in FS (2,041 million), roads and motorways (1,696 million), urban renewal and Erp (354 million), water infrastructure with modernization of Peschiera (160 million), ports (Civitavecchia 159 million), bike paths (56 million), judicial cities and prisons (169 million). If mobility and public buildings are the largest share, to reach the estimated seven billion NRP program, we must add investments belonging to other tasks such as the development of Cinecittà (150 million).

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No problem for Caput Mundi counting 500 million to promote cultural heritage. The bidding plan for Expo 2030 is more straightforward, and what can be said now is that 2 billion is direct investment for the construction of Expo sites while 1.5 billion relates to indirect investments in infrastructure, mobility and site logistics. The municipality of Rome estimates that there have also been 2.5 billion investments related to the event, and infrastructures that improve the mobility system with indirect benefits are also still on show.


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