Saturday, July 27, 2024

Return of Luigi Di Maio: Candidate for EU Special Envoy for the Persian Gulf (with Draghi’s approval)


Former Minister Luigi Di Maio It could be soon European Union Special Envoy area Persian Gulf. With him are three other candidates: Dimitris Avramopoulos (Former European Commissioner), Marcos Kyprianos (Former Minister of Foreigner From Cyprus) and a Slovakian did the same. but that fromFormer M5s leader this, no succeeded To return Parliament It’s a strong name. Because the former Prime Minister, among others, gave his consent Mario Draghi. last week European Commission Sessions closed. And in the next few days, the proposal for . will beHigh Representative of the European Union in foreign policy Josep Borrell. Final choice, let’s find out today Republicit is up to European External Action Service (EEAS).

What about the Meloni government?

RoleEuropean Union Special Envoy Borrell himself had called for him in recent months. This indicates the need for the European Union to do so Zone File Management. Primarily those safety and energy. The newspaper reported that the Italian government was not involved and would not be aware of the matter a file. This is interpreted as evidence of the isolation of the executive branch after the crisis with the France. As for Di Mayo during Conte government He was the protagonist of the confrontation with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The leading decided to ban sell weapons The two countries that responded to the ban on Italian products. Then Minister development He spent himself on visits to restore relations. Today comes the news of the nomination.

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