Saturday, July 27, 2024

Quota102 for a year, more checks on income, goodbye cashback. cyclist maneuver


OLIVIER HOSLET via Getty Images

Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi leaves the European Council building in Brussels early October 22, 2021, at the end of the first day of an EU summit. (Photo by Olivier HOSLET/POOL/AFP) (Photo by Olivier HOSLET/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

A new “share” of pensions for only one year, a tightening of citizenship income, an extension of the super bonus also for villas but with an Isee ceiling of 25 thousand euros. With a week-long delay on the roadmap – which states that it should be sent to Parliament by October 20 – the first Draghi Franco balancing act is being formed which will appear tomorrow, after the last knot in the control room has been resolved, on the cabinet table. An expansionary maneuver worth 23 billion, confirming the Dpb structure sent to Brussels that contains the resources to repair shock absorbers and those, always only with dedicated funding, for the first taste of tax cuts, waiting for the real reform of the system that will come with the fiscal mandate.

In 2022 with QUOTA 102: After examining various schemes, in order to bid farewell to the 100 quota, comes a solution for only one year, 2022, where you can retire early to reach the 102nd quota at the age of 64, 38 contributions and the fund (from 3-400 million to The most punished ferry due to increased requirements). A small move (which according to first accounts would not open up spaces of flexibility for many people) which, however, serves to undermine League protests and the anger of unions, who now expect a reform table.

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Income, more money but change: For the M5S’s science metric comes the stated tightening, with preemptive checks and check cuts beginning with the second job offer rejected, with gradual “decalage.” In any case, there will be a refinancing of 800 million to cover the increase in audience.

FISCO, the choices have been referred to Parliament: there is no agreement on the tax cut, and therefore in the maneuver now, in black and white, there will be only the 8 billion fund. To whom it will be allocated (personal income tax, wedge or contributions) will be a choice to be taken in Parliament during the examination in the study halls of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate.

Additional Bonus, Income Cap for Villas: The extension will arrive and will be for the whole of 2022 also for single-family homes but with an Isee cap for owners of up to €25,000, and therefore limited, as indicated, to first homes only. For condominiums, the extension will be until 2023, with subsequent decalage. Other incentives for the home were also emphasized, from the environmental bonus to the green bonus to that of refurbishing furniture. The interface bonus will be extended but the percentage will drop from 90 to 60% next year.

Stop cashback, 1.5 billion on the plate: the measure that the Conte government wants is scheduled to be canceled. Launched on January 1, 2021, it allows for a refund of 10% of the value of purchases with cards. It’s already on hold until the end of the year, and is now also archived in 2022, making 1.5 billion available.

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Family and Home, Kindergarten Leave Grants: Compulsory leave of 10 days for parents becomes structural, the discount is extended to those under 36 who buy their first home and additional money goes to nurseries and nurseries.

More money for health, research, and TPL: Healthcare, at the forefront of the Covid emergency, will receive another 4 billion between the Health Fund and funding for vaccines and antivirals. Another 400 million will be devoted to research – which will also be enhanced by the NRRR with the passage of 9,000 to 20,000 Ph.D. – and local public transportation will also be refinanced.

Investment attractiveness, 4 billion for companies: there will be 2 billion for the infrastructure, development and cohesion fund, while another 4 billion will support private investments.


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