Saturday, July 27, 2024

Psychiatrist’s bonus, nearly 200,000 signatures on the petition asking the government to reintroduce it: “27.5% of patients could not start the operation for economic reasons”


Exceed 175 thousand companies The petition was launched in recent days Asking the government to intervene Psychiatrist’s award, is first inserted into the maneuver and then removed. The two parties rejected the amendment of Senators Elisa Perro (M5s), Anna Maria Parenti (Italy Viva), Paola Boldrini (Pd), Loredana de Beatrice (Leo), Raffaella Marin (Liga) and Maria Teresa Bellucci (Brothers of Italy), just days before Christmas, I presented a box of 50 million speculate Two kinds of help: a “start bonus(150 euros) to make an initial contribution to all those who, even without a diagnosis of a mental disorder, need to start a course of treatment and “Support bonus” up to 1,600 euros Annually for those with less than 15 thousand euros, 800 euros with ACI between 15 and 50,000 euros, 400 euros for incomes between 5 and 90 thousand euros. We ask the government Really take this suggestion into consideration and include it in the useful first item To meet an immediate and urgent need. In addition to making a real and reasonable investment in human capital and personal well-being and in the community of people,” says the petition launched by the journalist Francesco Misano (Tg1), which indicates: “In 2021, data from the Piepoli Institute, 27.5% of patients who intended to start mental health were unable to do so for economic reasons. While 21% were forced to stop itHe defines: “It is not an alternative investment in terms of public service, which must also be promoted, but a civilized response to the many who turn to professionals in silence and in the absence of any kind of support.”

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plea –Meanwhile, psychological distress is present more Since the beginning of the epidemic, especially among those under the age of eighteen. He gave an interview to, the national president of the Syndicate of Psychologists David Lazzari Remember that Diseases anxiety and depression It affects two out of every ten people, while cases of “adjustment disorder” affect more than one in four people. And on the gateway to the order, he wrote an appeal demanding more attention to the sector, acting as a translator “not only for those who study the subject at a scientific level but also Among all these citizens, unfortunately there are many, who claim dignity and listen to mental health“. Against the billions” invested to address physical health in the pandemic. over there Psychological health was the subject of interest and Almost non-existent investment, which is very similar to the charity given to say that he did something more than public intervention. This reasoning is not supported by science or economics. The first is well-documented, the powerful impact of psychological problems on health (including physical), work, and all dimensions of life. Economic studies have shown the costs of psychological problems to those who have it and to society as a whole. In terms of the resulting deficit, it is the number one cost component in health, and it is also the number one cause of absenteeism. According to the London School of Economics, every euro spent on mental health results in 2.5 euros with lower costsLazzari continues: “There are scientific or economic reasons for continuing to neglect a problem that has become so social and exists for all to see. Not wanting to see her now, as many have said, disrespect for citizens. It lends for its part the idea that for democratic institutions, even today, psychological suffering is considered weakness, whim, or shame. Citizens rightly demand immediate answers, in terms of rewards and psychological help at school, and then demand that the state organize itself structurally to ensure a public psychological network. Continuing to turn away, ignoring this widespread awareness of millions of people, appears in stark contrast to the idea of ​​a society in transition focused on new visions and resilience. Let’s make sure the following approved actions give clear answers.”

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Politics – “I accept the wake-up call from the Psychologists Guild about the mental health emergency we are going through. In Nothing I will try to help make it a priority in future actions,” the Democratic MP commented on Twitter Filippo Sensi. of the same idea Nicolas Fratoiani, National Secretary of the Italian Left: “Since the psychological distress – the persistence of the defense of the Left Opposition – certainly cannot be answered with taps or bed nets, the rewards of which remain, perhaps it is time for the majority to respond to this lack of he – she. In the next few days – concludes Fratoiani – Parliament will find a solution because there are possible ways, you only need to want it.”


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