Saturday, July 27, 2024

Predazzo, damage toll after fire: Thirty people evacuated


A hundred rescue workers, two buildings were unusable, and about thirty people were evacuated from their homes. In Bredazo, after the massive fire that broke out on the night between Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd December, it's time to take stock of the damage after the flames have been extinguished.


A fire broke out in a barn along Danta Alighieri in the center of the municipality of Fième due to the strong winds that have affected all of Trentino in the last few hours and spread to two nearby buildings. Firefighters from all over the valley, including Moyna and Trento, and more than a hundred firefighters, used a ladder truck to help ten families out of their homes. After a night of intervention the flames were extinguished by dawn and the operation to make the area safe continued for several hours. Temporary accommodation has been found for the evacuees.

“Solidarity with the families and thanks to the rescuers”

“We are here to offer our solidarity to the families affected by this massive fire, while once again thanking the dozens and dozens of firefighters and rescuers who intervened to prevent this from turning into a tragedy.” These are the words of Provincial President Maurizio Fugati, who visited the scene of the fire on Saturday afternoon, December 23, with Provincial Councilors Walter Guswalter and Maria Posin, Senator Elena Tester and the Director of Civil Protection. Raphael de Gaulle.


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