Saturday, July 27, 2024

Possible extragalactic Saturn


A world so far away his signals would have been picked up by one innovative technology Based on X rayThis is what a new study is doing natural astronomy (purpose: “Potential candidate planet in an outer galaxy discovered by X-ray transit”), Coordinato dal Astrophysics Center – Harvard and Smithsonian.

The survey, in which an international working group participated, was based on data from two space “explorers” in X ray: observatory Chandra subordinate NASA and the telescope Xmm-Newton DelThis is amazing. possible esopianita will be out Milky Wayin the galaxy Messier 51 (also known as a “vortex” galaxy): So it would be First time In which this type of celestial body is determined by a method Crossing, at a great distance (approx 28 million light years). So far, in fact, only exoplanets have been discovered in our galaxy and almost all of them are less than 3 thousand years from Earth.

To achieve this result, the working group used the above method, but in X-ray wavelengths: Scientists went in search of fading in a X-ray brightness Issued by details Binary systemsmade up of neutron star (or Black hole) who draws the Gas give one star companion. The materials found near these celestial bodies do just that to heat up and shines in it X ray.

The area where the rays are produced is quiet It includes, so a planet can pass in front of you Ban them completely. It is easy to identify a crossing of this kind: thus this technique can represent a turning point for Search for exoplanets in other galaxies.

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Thanks to this method, effects esopianet filter in a Messier 51: Specifically, the orb will be in M51-Uls-1 الثنائي binary system which consists of neutron star (or Black hole) in orbit around a buddy star With a mass equal to 20 times the mass of the Sun. Specifically, the crossing was recorded by Chandra whose data shows emissions X ray From order to zero within three hours. By further analyses, including data from Xmm-Newton, scientists concluded that the exoplanet eventually must be similar size for those of Saturn It orbits a neutron star (or black hole) in one double distance Compared to what separates Saturn and the Sun.

Astrophysics have also attempted to determine the range of Date From this elusive celestial body and paint a beautiful picture violent: Planet SenjuSupernova explosion from which the neutron star (or black hole) originated and could risk sad ending In the case of the other Stella system exploded Supernova.

This final outer planet wassingle filter It is found in a wide variety of star systems (more than 200) are taken into account for the study. However, the working group intends to continue the research, given that Chandra NS Xmm-Newton They contain a great deal of unexplored information from this very perspective.

Above: Technical development of the M51-Uls-1 system (credits: NASa/Cxc/M. Weiss)


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