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Pensions, Today’s News: Retired at age 62. Draghi’s proposal. How and requirements


Rome, November 14, 2021 – these are delicate hours for The future of the pension system. After statements and hypotheses made in recent days, Tuesday 16 Confederate general secretaries We will meet Prime Minister Mario Draghi Just to address node problems.

Among the few things that are certain, he is sure to come No share 100 That is, the mechanism that allows you to retire early when the sum between the age and the subscription age is 100: ad Example 60 years and 40 contributions Or 61 years, 39 contributions, etc. Otherwise, you have to wait until you go to rest Seniority 67 years.

What mechanism will replace the 100 has not yet been determined. In recent days, it has been clarified that the possibility of a gradual increase in the quota of one hundred in the next few years, starting from 102 by 2022 and then gradually returning to the system to a system that allows you to retire only with a seniority of 76 years, while leaving opportunities open, or even expanding, for some categories to retire in early through: social beeAnd Pink bee, a woman’s cucumber.

In recent days, the government has included in the draft maneuver Extension of one year for women’s option (with past terms i.e. 58 years for employees to 59 years for freelancers provided there are 35 years of contributions), one-year extension for Social Monkey with changes (three months after the end of Naspi removal) and Extension of fees from 57 to 221 is a burden, it doesn’t seem to be enough for the unions. so called class 102 (i.e. the possibility of leaving the job at 64 years old and 38 contributions, but for 2022 only) is only considered a “temporary solution,” “a wrong and unjoint impromptu action — as UIL Secretary General, Luigi Sbarra said — that conceals a relentless return to the injustice of law Fornero”.

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So, there is a strong expectation to see if the CEO is willing to put something else on the board. It has been circulated in the past few days Early exit hypothesis at 62 but with Recalculate the contribution For those who have the dual system. Labor Secretary Andrea Orlando said he is ready to discuss how to return to a contribution system that avoids the rigidity of the Fornero law, and thus builds elements of flexibility. But the unions, having been calling for dialogue for some time, fear the intent is to postpone everything for next year: a prospect considered unacceptable: According to this system, which provides for an old-age pension with the age of 67 years, the amount of the pension is determined on the basis of contributions paid, according to the principle “the more you pay, the more you get”. mechanism by which it is carried out. The higher the age, the higher the pension.

President Draghi’s idea is to leave the possibility of anticipating retirement in 62 with Contribution system for blueberryYou are, thus abandoning the mixed system and defining “quotas”, and avoid a rigid return to Fornero. What will be the mechanisms and early retirement benefits Not yet seen.

All issues will be on the table on Tuesday, November 16 at 17.30, which is the day and time when the secretaries-general of the confederate trade unions are Maurizio Landini (CGIL), Luigi Spa (Cisl) e Pierpaolo Bombardieri (oil) Prime Minister Mario Draghi summoned to the Chigi Palace. The meeting will also be attended by the ministers of economy, labor and public administration. Daniel FrancoAnd Andrea Orlando NS Renato Brunetta.

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It’s not just 102 – said Landini – it’s giving ai . pension guarantee smalli, recognition of diversity between different jobs, recognition of the right to leave work after 62 years, recognition of women’s care work.”

According to the unions, Fornero law must be changed, reconfigured and reformed with a fair, sustainable and resilient system. The way is the way OverhaulStable and deep, it needs to be done quickly. So the government must show “the political will to change a wrong reform.” Accordingly, the trade unions will demand on Tuesday “a precise and concrete answer” and until the arrival of mobilization will not stop: “We will continue to work in the workplace and in the territory.” Mobilization – Bombardieri added – will “change the minds of politics and government”, Not only on pensions, but also on taxes and work. On November 20 Regional events in the Marche and Veneto; To follow the 27 day of demonstrations in other regions.


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