Saturday, July 27, 2024

Pay attention to withdrawal, there is danger


Poste Italiane warns its customers to pay special attention when withdrawing money from Postamat: there may be an underlying scam

Post office (Adobe Photo)

Poste Italiane is increasingly targeted by scammers: it is Online scams or physical scams In the Postamat counterPoste customers should be careful every day not to fall for an unpleasant scam. Most often these are Internet scams and phishing attempts, but there are also scams on Postamat counters.

Recently, it appears that a scam has spread in Italy which targets people who find themselves against Postamat due to withdrawal. In fact, during withdrawals, malicious people managed it Credit Card Clone & PIN Spy. Let’s see what the scam consists of and how to defend yourself.

Postamat, if you notice that this item has not been received

Italian Post
Italian Post Office (Adobe Photo)

Withdrawing cash from the Postamat office is a procedure often performed by Italians who own cards Postepay or BancoPosta. After inserting the card into the Postamat slot, simply insert a file PIN codethe required amount and here in a few seconds we will be able to take cash required.

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There are cases when malicious people can clone a postcard using a file small device. This is done by messing with Postamats with one skimmerThis is it electronic object It is located near the slot where the paper will be inserted. The tool is able to clone the victim’s card thanks to Small cameras are on near the keypad and also know the PIN.

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In general, this device alone is not enough to complete the fraud: when the card is inserted into the skimmer, another attacker uses a method shoulder surf. This consists of Glance On the shoulders of the victim Store the PIN code from the current account. If the scammer fails to see the PIN, he can place a small camera that points directly at the Postamat keyboard.

Therefore, when withdrawing in Postamat, you need to be extremely careful. The first thing to do is see if there is Something strange Near the slot where we enter our Postepay. Among other small tricks to avoid Postamat scams, you must be sure of it Nobody is spying on our PIN. When we type it into the ATM, let’s keep it away from prying eyes.


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