Saturday, July 27, 2024

Our games should never be a live service, we’ll never tell studios what to do –


In a recent interview, head of Microsoft’s first-party studios loot died He spoke about his philosophy of running the increasingly rich Microsoft Studios. It is a philosophy that tries to leave the creators with maximum freedom, so much so that the team X-Box Don’t pretend her first party games should be gods live service or something like that. This is because Microsoft will never tell its studios what to do, not least not to interfere with their creativity.

It is a choice also associated with Variety and personality From many studios and creators under his hat. If the live service model is perfect for Sea of ​​Thieves or Halo Infinite multiplayer, that doesn’t mean it can be applied to Tim Schafer games or experiences like The Outer World 2 or the upcoming The Elder Scrolls.

“We don’t have any guidelines or rules that say that every game must be supported and continuously developed. Take the Psychonauts – there may be Psychonauts 3, but I won’t say Tim Shafer to go and do it. Knowing the history of the toys he makes, Matt Botti said, I don’t think he would make a game with seasons or a game that lasts 5 years.

loot died

“Sea of ​​Thieves is a game that lives in time and the multiplayer Halo will be based on the seasons initially, but Compulsion Games, our studio in Montreal, wasn’t asked to create something divided into seasons, using 6 DLC or something like that He told me why it was such an important story for us to share, but we didn’t force them to figure out how to create seasons for that particular game.”

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