Saturday, July 27, 2024

New York Post: “Michelle Obama is working hard on her campaign”: Former First Lady toward a run in 2024?


Michelle Obama may already be working on her run for the White House against Donald Trump. According to a New York Post editorial, in the coming months Joe Biden will announce his retirement and the former First Lady will be nominated at the Democratic Convention. Michelle Obama's team, as we read again in American newspapers, was to do just that […]

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Michelle Obama Maybe he was already working on his work The race for the White House against Donald Trump. According to the editorial New York Postin the coming months Joe Biden He will announce his retirement and the former first lady will be appointed to her position conference From the Democrats. We read again in an American tabloid newspaper that Michelle Obama's staff had already asked Democratic supporters for their opinions about her impending candidacy. This is not the first time his hypothetical electoral candidacy has been talked about. If Obama runs, and if he wins, in theory, it will give Obama a second record for his family and the United States: after the first African-American president, First female president.

During and after Barack Obama's terms, Michelle has always remained politically involved, and many believe she would be the most suitable Democratic nominee, especially after the presidential election. Biden's star has declined Who ended the year 2023 with the worst popularity rating ever recorded by an American president in the modern era. Indeed, in the last elections, in 2020, a movement tried to push Michelle Obama to run specifically to confront Trump and avoid a second term. Hopes that, upon closer examination, were already there in 2016, after Obama's farewell to the White House, when the hashtags also trended on Twitter. #Michelle2020 And #Michel_for_President.

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Over the years, she has become Michelle Obama A symbol of progressives Americans. Now it appears that his candidacy is no longer just a hope for Democratic voters. If the rumors in the past ei Common She has always been in denial about her impending race, and so far there have been no official communications denying or confirming what has been claimed Cindy Adamsjournalist New York Post Who claims in the article that Biden will retire around May, allowing him to take office. This is a plan, according to the conservative newspaper, “orchestrated” by Barak himself.

African-American lawyer, activist and first lady, Michelle Lavonne Robinson, has said for months that she is concerned about her potential re-election. Donald Trump. “I'm terrified of what might happen,” she said in a January 8, 2024 interview on the “On Purpose” podcast. Adding: “Our leaders are important. Who we choose and who speaks on our behalf has an influence that I sometimes take for granted. We cannot take democracy for granted. It worries me that we do that sometimes.


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