Friday, July 26, 2024

Men and women, Giorgio Manetti teases Isabella Ricci: a social gesture


who – which Giorgio Manetti be intrigued Isabella Ricci This is not new. It was already Tina Cibulari, during an episode of men and women, to reveal that he met the former Gemma Galgani who assured her that he especially appreciated Richie. but giorgioOn that occasion, he said he had no intention of returning to the programme.

After this revelation TinaFans of the show noted the many likes they left manity Within .’s Instagram posts Isabella:

More details have been added to these social moves. In fact, the most attentive noticed a photo he recently posted giorgio. The jabbiano It appears in front of Florence Cathedral, and when you move your eyes to the upper left, you can see the sign Isabella.

Many wondered the reason for this gesture by the man’s former knight men and women. The answer given by web users is probably that giorgio He wanted to tease the lady who had aroused his interest.

giorgioduring an interview, I called Isabella A woman of great charm and good looking. In these words Mrs. to reply He admits that if the opportunity arises, he would like to meet Tuscan, a former companion of his “enemy” Gemma Galgani.

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