Saturday, July 27, 2024

Mars, Zhurong’s nap


He recently celebrated his first act 100 days of activity And now he’s about to enjoy a well-deserved nap lasting over a month: we’re talking about it Zurong.’s rover Cansa (NShina nionic sa step amanagement) that appeared Mars The May 14 last I have already plowed the planet’s soil for more 1000 meters.

Zurong, who owes his name to the god of fire in Chinese culture, will not only be because of his “companion” that revolves around him, Tianwen-1, will take a break. There is a very specific reason behind this outage, which will start in mid-September and will last until the end of October: space climate. In fact, in that periodEmission of charged particles From the sun can cause the presence of two spacecraft confusion In the communication systems with their plot of land.

Before entering hibernation, the rover wanted to crown its first phase of activity with panoramic selfie: Behind the solar panels, a barren landscape of Utopia Planetia, Area Mars Where he lodged and is being explored. The purpose of its mission, in fact, is to analyze the soil and soil of this region geological features, with special reference to the search for water traces.

From the beginning of the exploration activity until today, Zurong walked onUtopia Planetia Heading south and dissolving rocks, dunes and depressions. The point regarding the geological formations that have already been studied and those that the probe will deal with in the future is determined in Sage Which will appear in the December issue of the scientific journal Icarus (purpose: “Geological features of the Chinese Tianwen-1 landing site in Utopia Planitia, Mars”).

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The study was coordinated by space weather lab DelChinese Academy of Sciences, mainly focus on Martian soil thickness Near some formations – probably due to the presence of water – and on some conical structures Which can be related to phenomena volcanoes.

during the break, Zurong NS Tianwen-1 They will independently implement Monitoring procedures On their health and to solve any problems.

Above, Zhurong’s selfie – below, his way (credits: Cnsa).


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