Saturday, July 27, 2024

Maintain your thyroid gland and your health in this way: Eat these foods, my friends They help you maintain its health and effectiveness at all times


Thyroid gland –

Thyroid problems? Not everyone knows that there are foods that support thyroid health: here are these foods.

Thyroid, A small, butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of the neckIt plays a crucial role in regulating the metabolism and influencing the functioning of many organs in the body.

And Thyroid gland disorder It can lead to a variety of complications and symptoms that can significantly impair your quality of life.

For this reason, it is necessary Adopting a lifestyle that supports thyroid healthincluding following a balanced diet that provides all the nutrients necessary to perform its functions properly.

Let's find out together Which foods are thyroid-friendly and which are best to limit Or avoid.

Thyroid problems: What foods to avoid

Although it is important to eat a diet rich in these nutrients, it is equally important to know which foods may interfere with thyroid health. Cruciferous vegetables, such as cauliflower, cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussels sproutsIt can negatively affect iodine metabolism if taken in large quantities. Likewise, processed foods high in sodium and caffeine can have harmful effects, especially for those with hypothyroidism.

AlcoholFinally, it is known for its toxic effect on the production and functioning of thyroid hormones. However, it is important to remember that moderate consumption of these foods, included in a varied and balanced diet, should not cause major problems for most people. Before making fundamental changes to your diet, it is always recommended to consult a doctor or nutritionist, especially if you have pre-existing thyroid conditions.

Thyroid-friendly foods
Milk and eggs –

Foods that are beneficial for the thyroid gland: what are they?

Thyroid health can be greatly affected by diet. Some foods are particularly beneficial for supporting the functioning of this gland. Among these we find Algae, crustaceans, mollusks and oily fish, such as mackerel, mullet, cod, cod and sardinesThey are excellent sources of iodine, an essential element for the production of thyroid hormones.

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also Low-fat yogurt or Greek yogurt and skim milk It is recommended that they take iodine. Dried fruits in the peelSuch as cashews, Brazil nuts and pistachios, in addition to being rich in iodine, they also provide selenium, another essential nutrient for thyroid health. eggsThanks to their iodine and selenium content, antioxidant-rich red fruits complete the list of thyroid-friendly foods.


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