Saturday, July 27, 2024

Letizia from Spain is in mourning after the tragedy, great emotion


Leticia from SpainShe rushed with her husband, Felipe, to Valencia, where a devastating fire broke out on February 22, destroying two buildings and causing many casualties. La Reina can't hide Emotion During a meeting of families who lost their homes and everything they owned in the fire.

Leticia Spain, Drama Valencia

Leticia from Spain In mourning After the tragedy that struck some of his subjects in Valencia. The Queen and King Felipe were unable to reach the people involved in the fire sooner, because the situation in the city is still very difficult and chaotic. So, this week's first commitment was very difficult and painful.

The royals made an unexpected appearance in their weekly schedule shared by the palace very impressed In meeting those who lost everything in the fire. While at least nine did not survive, the victims also included firefighters who rushed to extinguish the fire that engulfed two buildings. A tragedy that brought to mind what happened at Grenfell Tower in London.

Letizia from Spain, Hugo Boss pinstripe suit

Letizia arrived in Valencia wearing a T-shirt Hugo Boss striped pantsuit. The outfit consists of a jacket with a belt at the waist and cigarette pants. Larina preferred not to wear black, the color of mourning, because her visit to the site of the tragedy had a hidden purpose, in addition to honoring the victims, that is, providing support to those who found themselves homeless.

So, no black, but a classic and sober dark blue, like a crew neck shirt under a blazer. Even the choice of shoes is dictated more by the need for sobriety than style. In fact, the Queen chooses high-heeled moccasins from Magrit, her favorite shoe brand, which have nothing elegant but are quite practical.

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Letizia moved from Spain

Letizia, like her husband Felipe, looked very emotional Listening to the stories of fire survivors. The Kings followed the story immediately, expressing their closeness to the injured, the rescuers, and everyone involved. Letizia and Felipe visited the site of the tragedy and met with local authorities.

The Queen's face reflected emotions when faced with such a dramatic situation, and a simple gesture of greeting and a sad look revealed how affected she was by the tragedy. She and her husband did their best to personally travel to Valencia to show all their support to the parishioners and the police.

Letizia and Felipe from Spain in London

After visiting Salamanca dela Reina, this was done Sudden change in agendas Your Majesties who had no objection to the visit to Valencia, even if it were short, because immediately afterwards I had to return to Madrid to prepare for a short trip to London. In fact, Letizia and Felipe are participating in a memorial Mass in Windsor on Tuesday, February 27, for Constantine the Greek, who died last year.

Constantine is Charles's cousin, but the British king is absent from the ceremony due to cancer. It is up to Camilla to represent the monarchy.


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