Saturday, July 27, 2024

“Let them go down.” Berlin and Brussels want to dictate the line


Not only has Italy been left alone again on the immigration front, but now also has to suffer from attempts toEuropean Union Based on Germany To dictate the line on our government. Perhaps they would like to give us lessons and chart a path to follow in managing accesses on our shores. But Georgia Meloni’s CEO has been clear: helping the most vulnerable and keeping those who are healthy aboard the NGOs. This is clearly not enough for the European Union and Germany, which are demanding guarantees of migrants’ access.

The European Union is under pressure

intervened in this regard Anita HeberA spokesperson for the European Commission, who stated:There is a moral and legal duty‘To save human lives’No matter what circumstances led to an emergency at sea“.Heber cited international standards under which”Every effort should be made to ensure that the time you spend on the migrant ship is minimizedInterpreter: It will be necessary to take down all the people.

We are closely monitoring the situation“I encouraged all authorities,” the spokeswoman cooperate in order to facilitate this drop“.Nevertheless, Anita Heber welcomed the fact that even the most fragile of immigrants were brought ashore last night,”With Italy, which allowed the disembarkation of people at risk“.

enter Berlin

As reported byDealingA spokeswoman for the German Foreign Ministry also expressed herself on this issue Sabine Sassiunder which it represents rescue at sea.”It is a moral and legal duty that cannot be preventedA spokesman for the German Foreign and Interior Ministries responds to a question about what is happening CataniaHe commented on the decisions taken by Italy:It is important that hundreds of people can get off, but it is important that all people be saved and be able to reach the ground“.

See also  The EU is contributing to the destruction of planetary ecosystems (and blocking the Nature Restoration Act)

We are in close contact with Italian entities“, the spokeswoman responded to the question regarding Berlin’s readiness to receive migrants who had landed on two NGO ships in Sicily. She noted that in recent days, Minister Annalena Barbock had spoken at the G7 foreign ministers meeting.”Explicitly on the issue of saving migrants at seaIn a bilateral meeting with Antonio Tajani.


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