Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kimbe, covid is slowing down. -38.2% cases and -25.7% victims in 7 days – Healthcare


Italy saw a 38.2% drop in new cases, hospitalizations (-16.8%) and Covid victims (-25.7%). Independent monitoring by the Gimbe Foundation showed a decrease in new cases (84,060 compared to 135,977) and deaths (576 compared to 775) in the week of January 6-12, 2023, compared to the previous one. Now the positive cases are also decreasing (406,182 vs. 353,643), people isolated at home (346,912 vs. 398,147), hospitalized with symptoms (7,716 vs. 6,421) and intensive care (310 vs. 319). The total number of swaps is decreasing (-10.3%): from 855,823 to 767,718.

“In terms of new weekly cases – says Nino Cordabellotta, President of the GIMBE Foundation – a sharp decrease (-38.2%): from 135,000 to 84,000 in the previous week, the 7-day moving average is above 12,000. Cases per day”. New cases are decreasing in all regions: from -10.9% in the autonomous province of Bolzano to -50.3% in Liguria. New cases decreased in all provinces (from -4.8% in Crotone to -60.9% in Sassari). No province exceeds 500 cases per 100,000 population”.

“As for hospitals – says Marco Mosti, Chief Operating Officer of the GIMBE Foundation – hospitalizations decreased in the medical area (-16.8%) and intensive care (-2.8%). In absolute terms, the number of occupied Covid beds in the critical area fell to 310 on January 12 from a peak of 347 on November 12; In the medical category, it reached a high of 9,764 on December 12, before falling to 6,421 on January 12 (Figure 6). As of January 12, the national employment rate of covid patients was 10.1% in the clinical area (from 0% in the Aosta Valley to 30.8% in Umbria) and 3.1% in the critical area (from 0% in Val d’Asta to 7.9% in Umbria) “The number of daily admissions to intensive care is decreasing – Mosti points out – the 7-day moving average was 28 additions/day compared to 36 additions in the previous week” (Figure 8). Since January 12, the national rate of employment of covid patients is 10.1% in the medical area (from 0% in Valle d’Asta to 30.8% in Umbria) and 3.1% in the critical area (from 0% in Valle d’Asta to 7, 9% in Umbria) “.

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On the other hand, anti-Covid vaccines are on hold In Italy. Only 30% of the elderly and frail have a fourth dose with clear regional differences: from 13.6% in Calabria to 43.8% in Piedmont.. The Gimbe weekly watch was essentially unchanged at just 639 reports in the week of January 6-12, compared to 640 (-0.2%) in the previous week. As of January 13, 6.78 million people over the age of 5 have not received a single dose of the vaccine. As of January 13, 40,439,490 third doses had been administered, an average of 1,078 administrations per day, compared with 1,257 the previous week.

“Unfortunately, the vaccination campaign has basically stalled due to the lack of seriousness in institutional communication, the call methods used at the regional level, and the growing distrust of citizens in vaccines,” Kimbe’s president commented. Nino Cordabellotta.


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