Saturday, July 27, 2024

If you’re single you can’t get a table: the craze for new restaurants in Barcelona


In Barcelona reject singles – StreetFoodNews

You are single? You can’t go to the restaurant. Only couples or groups are allowed to enter Barcelona, ​​let’s find out why.

He is bachelor Like everything, it can have its pros and cons. Sure, not having to fight over the remote control, the bathroom or the sofa is invaluable. Being able to choose what to do and where to go is a one of a kind achievement.

But being single also means spending more on groceries—one-person offers are rarely offered—on rent or a mortgage and for life in general. Moreover, those who live as a married couple seem to have longer lives.

Making things even more difficult for those who choose solitude is now the city of Barcelona, ​​which does not accept lonely people at tables.

How is that possible? And why this choice? Let’s find out more.

Individuals are not allowed at tables in Barcelona: reasons

The Spanish newspaper El Pais tells the story of the strange ban that made the city of Barcelona its hero, as it reported the story of some bachelors who were “recoil” of the places they visited. He was one of those people Until it was rejected by three different clubs. The missing customer explained: “I didn’t want to go anywhere, just sit on the first balcony I came across because I wanted to read something while eating al fresco.”

But here’s the surprise: “In the first restaurant I found a seat, and the waiter came right away and told me the table was full. It wasn’t like that actually. As soon as I woke up, a group of foreigners sat behind me. At the restaurant next door, they told me I would only have 20 minutes to eat. And at the third, they told me directly that the balcony is for groups only.”

Barcelona bar collections only
Bar – StreetFoodNews

Because it happens

It is not the only testimony, and therefore it is not an isolated case, or a mere coincidence. Another user also told a similar story: “In recent months, when the place was full, they refused me several times on the balcony because I was alone. The last time I got really angry and told them that if it was about money, I was willing to share with them; that if we were about to enter into ‘gluttonous capitalism’ , how much minimum did i have to pay to be able to sit on the balcony and have dinner .they told me it is not for that , I couldn’t sit on my own“.

What hides behind this strange choice of restaurant owners to refuse service to individuals? As the woman guessed, it is Just an economic issue. Groups of several people obviously spend more than one customer. With the higher prices they have reached, including rents, the owners of restaurants, bistros, taverns, and the like prefer to accept those who bring in a higher income. difficult life for individuals.

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