Saturday, July 27, 2024

If he doesn’t like Salvini, why didn’t he leave? – Weather


Francesco Stores

Enrico Letta is in government, but no one understands why anymore. Matteo Salvini, the most important partner of the majority, asks John to discuss the most controversial content of the law before Tuesday, with a parliamentary rodeo scheduled for the most discussed rules.
But Letta, with incredible arrogance, says no. He does not speak to Salvini, with a slight trait of rudeness. He prefers the risk of drowning the flag law rather than sitting down with government supporters and talking about it.
At this point it really becomes a weird one, which is Lotta’s. Because if you accept the responsibility of providing a government for Italy, you also have a duty to contribute to the undoing of the soft knots.

Even if it is the law of Parliament rather than the capacity of the government. Proponents of the same government cannot become an object to be expelled, not a debate with a politician. Because the most immediate question is: What are you doing with him in government …?
Mario Draghi, sooner or later, will have to deal with an issue related to Enrico Letta’s behavior, which he continues to undermine the foundations of a multilateral alliance. Every day the secretary of the Democrats must prove that he is alive, without realizing that he will fall further and further into the consensus of public opinion, and for the most part, it is difficult to understand why two political leaders should not speak to each other.

Letta’s behavior is childish: he is far from a politician who wants to prove himself.
On the other hand, when Palazzo lost Cicero’s Campanella, it was always the same thing for someone who wanted to be deported to his homeland. Now he wants conflict over conversation. It would be a Catholic …

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