Saturday, July 27, 2024

Here’s what the former suitor did to men and women


Julia de Lillis tried again, after trying men and women and trying the influencer and presenter, this is what I decided to do!

A new adventure for Julia Dellis, who seems intent on not being limited to her work as an influencer. After Love Island and Call of Beauty, a new project for the former suitor of men and women is coming soon.

Julia de Lillis, influencer’s new project: that’s what it is!

Julia Dellis I’ve come a long way from a studio Channel 5: For several years, she has been an influencer with a large number of followers. She is invited to attend the most exclusive events, which are chosen by well-known brands in the world of fashion and beauty to best represent their products. Over the past few weeks, her name has returned to the gossip world, because she was seen on vacation in Greece, at the same place where her ex-date Andrea Damante was.

The Damilis, as fans called them, were one of the couples born out of men and women who spoke the most: from constant pushes and pulls, to discovering infidelities — recounted in De Lillis’ book — that even today fans hope to see them back together. A hope destined to remain so since Damante has rebuilt his life with Elena Visari e Julia de Lillis loves Carlo Beretta more than everas told to Silvia Tovanen, in the Verissimo TV studio.

And speaking of TV, it seems Julia de Lillis will soon return to television with a new programThe announcement was made today during the Discovery schedules show. To the influencer, after hosting Love Island and Call of Beauty, Delivery of amore a la rehearsal – the crisis of the seventh year will be entrusted. This is the Italian version of a well-known international program – Seven Years Switch – in a very special format.

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The program predicts, in fact, that four couples in a moment of crisis will be auditioned, swapping partners for two weeks. It will be shown from the coexistence whether they will be strong enough to overcome the crisis and stay together or go their own way.


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