Saturday, July 27, 2024

“Here he must understand that the story is different.” The document against Conte’s dictatorship is ready


“This is a dictatorship”. Choice Giuseppe Conte Allowing only its vice presidents to be interviewed on television is causing a real uproar among M5S MPs.

“As far as I’m concerned I’m going to go head over heels from today,” he mutters. One of the five first-appointed MPs who instigated the uprising. “But do you think we owe it to those who go here and those who don’t go on TV? He may have commanded when Palazzo was in Ciki, here he must understand that the story is different,” the rebels say. That would be a sensational rift, “adds one of our sources. M5S For a long time Grillino prophesied: “If this continues, we will not eat Panetton, and now ill health has become so widespread that Conte and his friends do not understand that they are making the same mistake he made when he was in Chiki: they believe they are immortal, but Renzi could be obligated to bring him down.” , Because there are many of us. ”

The reference to “Conde’s friends” is clear. Only Pavlo Taverna, Mario Turco, Ricardo Ricciardi, Michael Kupitosa and Alessandra Dode can appear in the video. Criticism of the political course pursued by the ‘People’s Advocate’ has not really diminished. Just a few days ago, the former Deputy Secretary to the Prime Minister, Ricardo FracroHe explained that “embracing the Democrats or any other political force” was a failed choice. “Our identity can only be a political force that supports the country in environmental and economic change. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.

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As he revealed In fact, in the previous context, Conte found it difficult to control parliamentary committees. “Conte wants to stop internal depreciation and get new people. The truth is the same: he does not trust any of us,” one senator, Krillino, told us, adding that the former prime minister had been expelled from the secretariat for revealing his intention to pull over the government. Cole’s next tenant will return to the polls and finally have MPs loyal to him. In fact, the integrity is that the chairman of the M5S has not even been able to elect a new committee chairman to the council, as it has now been confirmed that David Krippa will continue in his post until December. In the Senate, on the other hand, Marolina Castellon, a member of the Health and Hygiene Commission, has been nominated. She is the one who is trying to undermine the re-election of the most loyal Ettore Licheri. Considering the referendum for Goli to be the protagonist of ‘Snipers’ again, Conde has no shortage of headaches and its leadership is weakening day by day and being questioned day by day.


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