Saturday, July 27, 2024

Hellblade 2 is supposed to last longer for some, making us bring cappuccinos to the characters


Today, Dom Matthews, the owner of the Ninja Theory, expressed a great truth, as he talked about… Duration to Senua Saga: Hellblade 2 Which, being very short as revealed, has created a great deal of controversy: “I think our goal has always been to tell a story and the length of the game is appropriate for the story we want to tell. So it's not about 'creating shorter experiences.' I think it's like this… Is there a story we want to tell with a beginning, middle and end and what is the right shape and size of the experience to tell it? This is where we start.”

You can forget about cappuccino

What do I do, try to discover the secrets of the universe or bring a cappuccino to an NPC?

I recently finished Starfield, with Steam clocking in at about 94 hours of play. You will understand that I am not one of those who despise him. I'm not even glorifying it as a masterpiece of humanity, but talking about a “bad game” as some do is classic fan hyperbole, which I'd honestly rather free myself from. However, one assignment made me so nervous, that I almost gave up on it.

Before continuing it is fair to say that the game Bethesda It's full of filler missions, which seem designed more to waste time than engage the player (like almost all recent Triple A games), but this mission in particular annoyed me a bit, making me so annoyed that I took a mission break (thanks Bethesda, that's how Which I learned about the Natsuki Chronicles).

One NPC actually asked me to bring him a cappuccino It can be purchased on another planet. But… I… am… trying… to… discover… the secret… of… the universe. It's true that secondary activities in Starfield can also lead to interesting stories, but the mere fact that someone thought to have an NPC ask me something similar about stupidity made me think about how much time we waste playing games. Yes, in such cases, “waste” is the right word.

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Naturally, I don't consider video games a waste of time, but in recent years I've found myself thinking several times about how much time we waste in order to maximize gaming time at all costs, time that in most cases turns out to be completely insignificant (there are exceptions, But they are actually exceptions.)

In the end I refused to do this side hustle. He might have opened one Quest series Amazing or it would have earned me a lot of experience points (I doubt it, considering how stingy Starfield is in that sense), but it doesn't matter. I thought that if a complete stranger asked me to go get him a cappuccino in another city in real life, I would simply consider him crazy. It's true that everything in the game is translated into a fun and if desired form and the activity is also very short, but the mere thought of carrying out that task completely took me out of character. Why did he have to ask me? What does this mean for the gaming experience?

No cappuccino?  Then he dies!
No cappuccino? Then he dies!

Here, knowing that Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 has the ambition to tell its story without forcing me to carry a cappuccino around the cold, inhospitable Nordlands, between one Senua rave and another, reassures me a little. I really hope I can experience a meaningful adventure that's not meant to waste my time and become part of my personal experience, like the first Hellblade game did. As Matthews says, stories have to last a decent amount of time, otherwise you'll end up climbing towers and clearing bases like it's a job, without even realizing you're clocking in every time you start the game.

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This is an editorial written by a member of the editorial team and does not necessarily represent the editorial line of


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