Saturday, July 27, 2024

Govind Usha, Biden: ‘Non-vaccination puts economy in danger’


“People who are not vaccinated put the economy at risk.” US President Joe Biden argues: “People are reluctant to go out. Even in restaurants, gyms or theaters where there are no restrictions, many do not go because they are afraid of getting sick.”All updates about Govt Live)

Biden: “Vaccinate as much as possible”

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The president recalled: “We have made progress, more than 150 million Americans have been fully vaccinated, cases have dropped by 40%, and 25 have been hospitalized. Biden, who visited Michigan, said, “The vast majority of people have no choice but to get vaccinated. If more people are vaccinated, more lives will be saved.”

Vaccination is required with more than 100 employees

Biden appealed to the business community, recalling that the terms of the vaccine are “good for the economy, and they are the most powerful stimulus of all.” The U.S. administration, the president announced, would make the Govt-19 vaccine, or rather the weekly test, mandatory in all businesses with more than 100 employees.

An increase in the vaccination rate among the military


According to an Israeli study, Pfizer’s protection is higher among women

Looking at the military, Biden explained that the vaccination rate in the military has gone from 67 to 97 percent since it was made mandatory. This number is growing across the country. “Beginning in July – Biden explained – when I first announced the mandatory vaccination requirements, 95 million Americans were not vaccinated”. “Now – he added – the number has dropped to 67 million.”

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