Saturday, July 27, 2024

George Soros and Bill Gates Bought Leading Rapid Testing Company


It will certainly be so, but while countries like Italy are on the cusp of adopting measures like green pass Which will lead not only to an increase in immunizations, but also in tampons, millionaires and “good people” such as George Soros NS Bill Gates They decided to invest in rapid tests. The two men, he says Forbes, is part of a consortium aimed at buying Mologic, the UK-based manufacturer of Covid tests, in a bid to increase access to “The latest medical technology at affordable pricesWorldwide. The acquisition will be made through the Soros Fund for Economic Development and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as part of the initiative called Global Access to Health (GAH) by Soros. Gah members will invest at least $41 million in this new venture.

Sedf is the impact investing arm of the Open Society Foundations, the philanthropic network founded by the Hungarian-born entrepreneur. Sean Hinton, CEO of Sedf, said in a statement.The Covid-19 pandemic has painfully demonstrated the fundamental inequalities in global public health, in particular the critical importance of access in low- and middle-income countries to high-quality, low-cost and life-saving diagnostic tools.In this unique deal, he points out,Philanthropic trusts and investors collaborate with an experienced and insightful management team in a truly innovative way, enabling a sophisticated trading company to focus all of its resources on solving one of the world’s most pressing public health problems.“.

Mologic . acquired by Soros and Gates

Mologic Founded in 2003 by Mark Davis and his father, Professor Paul Davis, one of the original creators of ClearBlue, the world’s first home pregnancy test. Mologic technology has wide application in all markets and countries where rapid and accurate testing when needed can make a huge difference in patient care. In the past, his work in developing affordable tests for certain types of tropical diseases was supported by contributions from a number of donors, most notably the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The deal sought by Gates and Soros involves consortium investors acquiring all existing shares in Mologic, including those held by two private investment managers, Foresight Group LLP and Calculus Capital. These investments refer to the statement issued by the organization headed by George Soros, and are part of a recent portfolio of investments made by the Open Society Foundations to expand global access to affordable quality public health products and technologies.

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The two men are always in the front row

Whether it’s an economic crisis or a global pandemic, millionaires, always immersed in their boundless narcissism, as exhausted as their origins, always want to be on the front line as absolute champions. Just think about the huge funding that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has put into the field of vaccines against Covid or the solutions Soros has proposed to tackle the serious pandemic crisis. This additional investment also tells us something else: According to millionaires, the pandemic crisis is far from near its end.


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