Saturday, July 27, 2024

“For a sausage…”, silence falls – Libero Quotidiano


Romina Power hosted by Silvia Tovanen a very rightIn the episode that aired this afternoon on Channel Five to the bathroom It wasn’t her first love, but it was definitely the longest, as they had been together for 29 years. In an attempt to investigate the stage after Albano, Tovanin asked if there was another love. Then Romina admitted that she cares a lot about her freedom.

He then added, “My grandmother was saying something but I don’t know if it was appropriate to say it. For sausages, you have to keep all the porkThe whole audience at that point burst out laughing. While the presenter embarrassed Try running for cover: “It was the old sayings.” Then Tofanen wanted to honor Power – who had recently turned 70 – by broadcasting several videos dedicated to her. Many sent her a message of good wishes and affection, among them Loredana Berti, Eva Zanichi, Massimo Lopez and Tulio Solenghi.

Speaking about her age, Romina said she has never resorted to plastic surgery: “I’m terrified of those things out there. I’m afraid I won’t recognize myself later. Then do not understand the meaning of it. Who said that smooth skin is more beautiful? Returning to Albano, he said:My mother criticized him all her life.” And finally: “Only when I told my mother that Al Bano and I had broken up, did she tell me that she had now become fond of him.”

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