Saturday, July 27, 2024

Foamy coffee cream even without cream thanks to the clever recipe of 3 ingredients and ready in 5 minutes


When you need a refreshing and rejuvenating break, there’s nothing tastier than a coffee creamer. A quick and easy dessert that will please everyone. An unmistakable taste that brightens up the hot summer days. A moment of delicious indulgence We can make it even more delicious with a sprinkle of cocoa, or crumbled biscuits in the base. What can we say, then, about the addition of dark chocolate selections? A real master touch! There are many versions of coffee cream. Among the most popular, water. A real delicacy to prepare in a few steps. To get a foamy coffee cream even without cream, today’s recipe is perfect. We will only need 3 ingredients to make a dessert as good as the one from the bar but lighter. Below, everything you need for five parts.


  • 200 grams of milk
  • 50 grams of coffee, possibly prepared in mocha;
  • 25 grams of sugar.

Foamy coffee cream even without cream thanks to the clever recipe of 3 ingredients and ready in 5 minutes. method

To bring a wonderful coffee cream to the table in no time, the procedure is very simple. For a recipe that is really ready in 5 minutes, you will need to play cunning and prepare one of the ingredients a few hours in advance. In fact, it will be necessary to pour the milk into an ice cube container and let it freeze in the freezer for about 5 hours. In this way, we will have the milk cubes ready to make the perfect coffee cream. Then we bring the coffee and add the sugar. Stir for a few minutes until the coffee has cooled and the sugar has dissolved at the same time.

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At this point, take the frozen milk cubes, separate them and put them in the blender. Pour the sweetened coffee into the blender. Finally, turn on the machine until you get a puffy, foamy cream. Mix a little more. Taste to see if you need to add a little sugar. Then pour it into cups and serve. A real treat that makes friends and relatives happy! To make the dessert more delicious, in addition to the above decorations, we also recommend chopped hazelnuts or pistachios.

Suggestions for reading

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only. We do not know the eating habits and any intolerance of our readers and for this reason it is advised to consult your doctor about foods that can harm your health. It is highly recommended that you read the warnings related to this article and the author’s responsibilities that can be referenced over here”)


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