Saturday, July 27, 2024

Fiano, Movement to Dissolve Forza Nua Tomorrow – Politics


“Tomorrow we will urgently present to the House the disbandment of Forza Nouvoa and other overt fascist movements”: This was announced by the Deputy PD Emanuel Fiano, who will be appearing before the Milan Workers’ Union.

“All organizations representing fascism must be disbanded and it is time to make it clear,” CGIL leader Marricio Landini told a general meeting of the union.

“Yesterday’s attack on CGIL headquarters is a small reprint of what happened at the hands of the fascists to union offices and homes. Thus the request made by Mario Ferrandoni, Chairman of the Chamber Justice Commission, M5S Deputy, already Pd Enrico Letta, and Secretary of the Anpi.

“As a representative of the company next week, I propose that anti-fascist values ​​be included in the Lazio regional law, which is one of the few regions that does not have this constitutional call.

“We expect them to take a clear stand from those who lead the blindfolded parties in some” fascist “forces: they will take action, not interviews,” said Milan Giuseppe Salah, a trade union activist. . “Fascist people have been elected in Milan and Turin, which is not acceptable,” he added in applause. “I believe Georgia Maloney should act and expel people who do not openly represent the teachings of our Constitution,” he told reporters.

CGIL Secretary Maricio Landini’s request to dissolve companies with references to fascism “seems to me to be a request to find elements of a significant foundation at this point”. Labor Minister Andrea Orlando said on the page that the crown was presented at the memorial to the victims of labor in La Specia. “It is clear that there is an attempt to use the tensions in the country to throw them out against democratic institutions and labor unions such as the CGIL.”

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“The Italian judiciary and our laws have already predicted the elements and rules for action against these associations. I am not responsible for changing the investigators or the judiciary. The chairman, Francesco Loloprigida, commented with Ansa on the movement for FN dissolution presented by PD Emanuel Fiano.

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