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February, we explain why this year can book many surprises, predictions »


Weather: In February, we explain why this year can hold many surprises, predictions

Trend for Februarymonth February will hold many surprises for us this year. On the other hand, when the two atmospheric giants They face each other head-on, and the consequences are heavy and surprising: this is what happens in the toughest challenge between polar ice It is a Super AnticycloneConflict to be classified next month.

To be honest, both elements are already in operation on the European chessboard: on the one hand, the most eastern, one Raw winter is carrying Snow And SnowOn the other hand, towards the west, there are less stormy conditions and above all almost no rainfall.

It was early February Arm wrestling And the challenge will be sharper and early success will be seenHigh pressure.
However, by the end of next week, due to a certain synoptic structure that may occur at the hemispheric level, the climate picture may change radically. In fact, according to the latest predictions, the Azores anticyclone may reach very high latitudes and even reach Scandinavia.
This paradoxical motion of the anticyclonic bubble sets in motion Freezing air currents (air of arctic-continental origin) which flows from Russia”A river of wind Towards the Mediterranean Basin: Come on, the general atmospheric picture will turn towards a cooler environment.Very cold air reaches Italy from 5th FebruaryVery cold air reaches Italy from 5th FebruaryCold north-easterly winds from the north-east will gradually intensify and affect all Adriatic sectors and the south. If this is to be confirmed, it is reasonable to expect a decidedly cold climate with potential. Snow falls to very low altitudes; Obviously, it is necessary to wait a few more days for the details, given the long time horizon, above all to better understand where the low depressions are located and thus the areas most affected by rain.

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February often holds big surprises, for this reason we do not rule out the possibility of the cold spreading to other sectors. All we have to do is follow this interesting weather evolution step by step in the second part of winter.


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