Saturday, July 27, 2024

Executive elections and ballots are scheduled for June 12


On election day on June 12, the CDM’s green light, the Italians will vote for the administration and for a referendum on justice. The second round of municipal elections will take place on June 26. To report Democratic Vice President Stefano Secundi on Twitter. Ministerial sources have also confirmed this news. For now, it has been decided to vote on the same day, Sunday only.

Municipality, the place where you vote

There are 970 municipalities in the referendum, of which 21 are provincial capitals and 4 are regional capitals: Genoa, Palermo, L’Aquila and Catanzaro. Coalitions are busy selecting candidates. The deal between Pd and M5S is almost everywhere, while Lega, FdI and FI pay for the post-split cracks in Mattarella’s encore.

Referendum on justice

Five questions that will be accepted by the Constitutional Court in February and the five questions that will be the subject of the referendum are: CSM reform, abolition of Severno law, limits on pre-trial detention abuses, separation of judges. Functions and their fair evaluation.

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