Saturday, July 27, 2024

Elon Musk announces his resignation as CEO of Twitter


And so Musk lives up to it Promise made to followers To respect the result of the survey he witnessed 57.5% of “yes” in favor of resignation vs 42.5% who instead still wants him at the helm.

Advertising This comes after US media learned from sources within Twitter that the visionary was actively looking for a new CEO for the San Francisco company.

Who will take over from Elon Musk?

In short, Elon Musk does not provide details on the timing of his resignation or even the name of his potential successor. “Nobody wants the job that can really keep Twitter alive,” he noted to one user. According to some of the speculations you mentioned financial timesIdeal candidates would include Sheryl Sandberg, the former Meta chief operating officer who built the company into a digital advertising giant. However, the manager may not want to take the helm of another company riddled with content moderation issues. Another name is Nextdoor CEO Sarah Friar, former CFO of the payment company Block, which was set up by Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey. However, the return of the latter, who has already resigned twice as president, is unlikely.

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