Saturday, July 27, 2024

Disco Elysium, the new patch expands the text on the screen and improves the interface –


Disco Elysium I got new in these hours patch e6fdd6fa, reported as a minor update but still contains some very interesting news for gamers, including a Increase text size On screen and some improvements applied to the game interface.

increase in volume Characters As for the text, it’s definitely a novelty that’s well accepted by most users, considering the amount of written text that characterizes the game and the potential for many users to have problems with very small fonts, so this is an interesting change for everyone.

Moreover, evenuser interface Overall, it appears to have been improved, with ZA/UM stating that several corrections have been made to this element in order to return a “more coherent viewing experience”, apparently.

Although Final Cut Edition is mainly spoken, the text remains an element of primary importance to the game, as well as the interface in general.

Therefore, the e6fdd6fa patch is an important novelty and its application is really recommended for everyone. In the meantime, to learn more about the new release, we refer you to our review of Disco Elysium: The Final Cut, a game that has finally arrived on the Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series X | S and Xbox One.

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