Saturday, July 27, 2024

Covid, the obligation to wear a mask has been extended


Covid street masks

in Official Gazette decree Ministry of Health Which extended the obligation to i Workers, Users H Visitors In medical facilities, it is recommended to wear masks in departments that receive frail, elderly or immunocompromised people, especially in high-care situations. Individual health departments will decide which departments are of interest. We read this ruling magazinealso extends to social health and social care facilities, including health care residences, nursing homes, rehabilitation facilities, residential facilities for non-self-sufficient elderly and others.

Lombardy prohibits non-urgent hospital admissions

In the media we are already in the style of “one virus newspaper” psychosis. There are those who talk about the variants becoming prevalent, and that those specific to hospitals are being swept by the storm. Who is talking about an infection that has begun to spread again, as all influenza viruses do in the winter? In Lombardy, for example, he revealedI comeflow of cases flu H Coronavirus disease led to Preventing admission to non-urgent hospitals In medical facilities in Milan. This restriction includes the rehabilitation and social health area until January 31 and surgical hospitalization until at least January 15.

Inflammation analysis

while RespiVirNetThe Integrated Surveillance System (epidemiological and virological), led by the Superior Institute of Health (ISS) and supported by the Ministry of Health, analyzes data on infections. There has been an increase in the number of cases of influenza-like syndromes (ILI) in Italy, with an incidence rate of 17.2 cases per thousand aids (15.6 in the previous week), “a level higher than that observed in all previous seasons.” “All this is not due to Not only to influenza viruses, but also to other respiratory viruses, including Sars-CoV-2, which has “now firmly established itself among us and which circulates at sustained levels with the influenza virus, as well as the respiratory virus.” Syncytial syndrome responsible for bronchiolitis in children Younger,” he explains Anna Teresa Palamara, chief of the infectious diseases section on the International Space Station. He adds: “This – he adds – confirms the importance of vaccination, especially for the elderly, those with chronic diseases or vulnerable people. We also recommend being health wise especially if you have symptoms Respirators And if you are in the presence of very young children, elderly or vulnerable people.”

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