Saturday, July 27, 2024

Chris Claremont, X-Men, tells us about the past, present and future between cinema and comics


Many of his colleagues do not hide their anger or bitterness: Marvel films, inspired by famous comic book epics, have grossed hundreds of millions of dollars. But the authors of these comic books don’t get any credit. what do you think?

There are some great X-Men movies out there Direct adaptations From the stories I wrote. I would have been very happy to see my name, or Dave Cockrum’s name, or John Byrne’s, recognized in the film credits. In all honesty, when I went to the premiere of the Legion TV series, and at first I saw it was written out a lot, “Directed by… Produced by… And finally Created by: Chris Claremont and Bill Sienkiewicz“, Well, at that moment I jumped on the chair. It was shocking. Unfortunately, this never happens with movies. Of course, movie scripts are inspired by Many different sources. They mix stories written by different authors. Therefore, from the producers’ point of view, direct authorship attribution is more complex.

The X-Men pioneered the mash-up — thanks in part to the characters it brought to the team. What do you think about the representation of diversity in contemporary comics?

Every writer has his own approach. I find it very funny that the relationship between the mutant Northstar and another man Show off As an example of gay representation in comics, while Mystery and fate They’ve been around in comics for nearly 40 years. The main difference is that in my time we did not announce their relationship. It was just there. As in real life, it is what it is. Let’s not shout too loudly: Hello, this character is green, and this one is pink. “They’re simply there, and you can figure out the rest for yourself.”.

His men came from all over the world: Storm from Africa, Nightcrawler from Germany, Cyclops from the then-Soviet Union, Wolverine from Canada. random selection?

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“I’ve always thought there was huge potential in picking up items from them Cultures Africa, Asia, Europe. I once brought superheroes to India and had to come up with a whole host of local characters. Even in ItalyThe difference between north and south, between Milan and Sicily, can be a source Surprising contradictions For readers. If you look at the entire world, there is a lot of room to write interesting stories, origins, and characters. So, from my perspective, I always thought, well, if you want to just focus on the United States, go ahead. I’ll take the other continents“.


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