Saturday, July 27, 2024

China: Nearly 2 million people evacuated to Shanxi due to floods – Ultima Aura


(ANSA) – BEIJING, Oct. 11 – Heavy rains hamper relief efforts in north China’s Shanxi Province, with local media reporting more than 1.76 million people have been forced to evacuate, while dozens of coal mines have been halted by the construction of new facilities. . Pressure on the energy crisis hitting the country, with electricity rationing especially in the Northeast.

The bad weather since last week has caused house collapses and caused landslides and floods in more than 70 provinces and cities in Shanxi, repeating the dramatic scenarios recorded three months ago in Henan Province, which claimed more than 300 lives. Authorities in Shanxi, which also houses many ancient relics, have forced the evacuation of more than 120,000 people, according to the official Xinhua News Agency, while 17,000 homes have collapsed. The Global Times reported that four police officers died in a landslide.

Rainfall averaged about 185.6 mm last week in the capital, Taiyuan, compared to 25 mm in October compared to the period between 1981 and 2010.

Shanxi is an important province for coal mining and production, but activities have been suspended due to rain at a critical time. China is already facing an energy shortage that has cut off electricity supplies to ports, factories and even homes.

The local government said it has halted production at 60 coal mines (plus 27 shutdowns on Oct. 4), 372 non-coal mines and 14 hazardous chemical plants in the county. (Dealing).

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