Saturday, July 27, 2024

Bonus of 200 euros, which not everyone received: but you can try again


The news is recent and particularly disturbing for many Italians: it appears – in fact – that some workers have not yet received the famous 200-euro allowance from the INPS. What do you do to get it?

Many Italians remained indignant In checking it out, although in theory they all have what it takes to receive this One-time bonus , they did not receive anything. How do you run for cover?

Bonus 200 Rapid Finance

There is still a lot of clutter around video reception Much talk about 200 euros It’s offered as a one-time bonus to some workers who, frankly, haven’t had it yet. With confirmation that it was received in the order in which the application was submitted, and that There is still time in the current month of December To receive it, it is also natural that there is concern not to see it credited to one’s account yet, given the moment of great economic crisis that we are also facing in our country. But how is it obtained? And above all, it really can be done intangible to change the situation?

can be submitted Request a review to the INPS By connecting to its official website after logging in. At this point, everyone can check whether the request was accepted or not. In particular, it will be necessary to click on the section “One-time compensation of 200 euros” and then on the item “Results”.

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do anyway Nice review requestWe must have all the necessary documents to counter this practice. Furthermore, it should be noted that the review request can be submitted no later than 90 days from November 30, and thus can be made by February 28, 2023. Have you marked the dates in the calendar? Well, let’s continue…

If the application is rejected, what do you do?

But if the question – unfortunately – unacceptable? At this point, those interested will be able to read the reasons that led to this choice that many hope from the bottom of their hearts that they have not received and hope – therefore – that if they have not yet received 200 euros Whether it’s just because of a sexy delay, definitely not for that reason!

Bonus 200 Rapid Finance

Furthermore, even non-self-employed workers who did not receive this assistance with their paychecks can request a review from INPS in exactly the same way as independents or by turning, if they wish, to a patronage who will certainly be able to advise them well and thoroughly on the matter.

Anyway, we repeat that – to be fair – there were already significant delays in depositing this bonus which would not have been credited to everyone back in November as the second tranche of credit was scheduled in Dec.


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