Saturday, July 27, 2024

An active vortex with rain and snow at low elevations and cloudbursts during the next few hours through Thursday


The next few hours will be surrounded by more inclement weather

Bad weather is prevailing in many parts of Italy, where we expect lots of rain, low-altitude snow and localized storms over the next few hours..
The reason is to be seen in the presence of a cyclonic vortex, which precisely during these hours places its driving center at the height of the central Tyrrhenian section, where it uses the energy provided by an ocean that is still warm for that period.

For this reason, it is precisely the central regions, especially the interior regions and the Adriatic sector, where adverse weather conditions are concentrated.
In fact, during these hours heavy rain was reported between March, Umbria, Abruzzo and Molise. Moderate events also occur on the coasts of southern Tuscany and Lazio. Also notable is the snow covering the central Apennine ridges at 1600/1700m above sea level. During these hours, part of the bad weather moves towards the southern regions, where some rain affects eastern Sicily, Tyrrhenian Calabria and the central district of Puglia.

On the contrary, although it is colder, the weather in the north is improved. This caused the heat accumulated during the day due to sunlight to dissipate very quickly, leading to a very significant drop in temperature.

Let’s see how the weather picture will develop in the next few hours.
Forecasts indicate that the worst weather will be concentrated mainly in the Adriatic regions of central Italy, especially between Marche, Umbria, Abruzzo and the eastern parts of Sardinia. Snow levels are expected to decrease in the central Apennines, reaching 1200/1300 meters in the evening.
As the hours go by, the weather will worsen, where heavy rain is expected, sometimes in the form of cloudbursts, especially in southeastern Sicily and the Ionian coasts of Calabria, Basilicata and Puglia.

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It is important to pay attention to strong winds, especially in the Tyrrhenian region, where storm surges can occur, more so in the basins near Sardinia.
This weather condition, characterized by continued instability, will continue through the night.

Rain forecast for Wednesday, November 22
early in the morning Thursday 23rdInstead, the vortex of bad weather will move south, approaching Sicily. While there are signs of improvement in the north and much of the centre, the atmosphere will continue to be very unsettled in the south, with widespread rain, localized thunderstorms and some snow in the high-altitude Apennines.
A general improvement is only expected towards the end of the day, expecting Friday the 24th to pass in an overall calm weather environment.
We will give you more details about this in future updates.

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