Saturday, July 27, 2024

Amici 21, ex-Veronica Piparini sinks Nunzio / “Okay, cute then what do you do?”


Amici 21, Nunzio Stancampiano saved in run-off against LDA: Fabrizio Brolli, ex-Veronica Piparini intervenes

the evening of the sixth Friends 21Aired on April 23, 2022 on Canale 5, the most exciting final stage poll for the current talent was the poll between Luca D’Alessio aka LDA And Nunzio Stancampiano. The Neapolitan singer-songwriter thrilled the audience by rewriting Elisa, in If It Rained Your Name, in a duet with Luigi Strangis, and the dancer from Catania blazed the stage with Latin movements, but the two’s show wasn’t enough to save them. , so much so that the two lined up facing each other amid the controversy accompanying the fans, who were going to present fake cards to see them both reach the Amici 21 final. At the expense of Nunzio, who beat the LDA in the final ballot of the sixth evening with Latin dances, such as La copa de la vida by Ricky Martin, now voiced by the ex-husband of Veronica Pepparini, one of the staunch dance teachers of talent. And the intervention of the expert is carried out in a rather harsh manner, at the expense of Nunzio.

In particular, in an intervention shared with network members, Fabrizio Brolli issued his textual critique on Nunzio Stancampiano, regarding the pas de deux made with Serena Carella, a fellow Latino at Amici 21, under the supervision of teachers Raimundo Todaro and Lorella Cocarini: “What do you think of Serena and Nunzio’s performance (Casa Vianello)? If they stay in bed it will be better. He doesn’t find it fun anymore and it just bored me. After he dances, I say, “Okay, sweetie, then what are you doing?”

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Fabrizio Broli rejects Nunzio and promotes Serena Carella de Amici 21

However, the dance expert believes that the other disciple Raimundo Todaro Besides Nunzio, Serena, a righteous dancer, at Amici 21 p.m.: “Serena, on the other hand, I hope to reach the final. For me she is good and if she continues to study she will make dancing her job. If I could, I would make Leonardo come back and take out Nunzio. Because Leonardo is better“.

In the final stages of the joint furor with LDA on the sidelines of the final ballot, Nunzio assured Gigi Di Alessio’s son that he was calm because he knew he had done everything he could, and he is sure he will soon be eliminated by a worthy team. competition. Expected to be “psychic” Nunzio, then denied by the judges’ ruling, Stache Fiordespino, Emanuel Filiberto de Savoia and Stefano Di Martino, who saved the Latin, not the LDA.

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