Saturday, July 27, 2024

Alberto Murgia, cycling from Villasedro to North Cape


He announced this in recent weeks, and so it was. On the evening of Friday the 29th, Alberto Murgia, a nineteen-year-old from Villasedro, arrived in the Northern Cape on his bicycle.

A real crossing to Murgia, He left the island last October and arrived in Norway after cycling through Italy, Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic and Denmark. Thousands of kilometers in sub-zero temperatures, but that certainly did not scare him, he accompanied him to his goal.

Alberto Murgia on his trip to the North Cape (Unano)
Alberto Murgia on his trip to the North Cape (Unano)Alberto Murgia on his trip to the North Cape (Unano)

“I got used to it,” Murgia laughs. “After reaching the Arctic Circle, I continued straight through the snowfall and forbidding weather of Swedish territory, and reached the village of Kariswando, on the border with Finland. Here I spent one of the most difficult days of the trip, finding a way Open to very strong winds and storms, and limited visibility.”

Murgia (centre) with the family that hosted him for Christmas (UnanoMurgia (centre) with the family that hosted him for Christmas (Unano
Murgia (centre) with the family that hosted him for Christmas (UnanoMurgia (centre) with the family that hosted him for Christmas (Unano

And then: “Temperatures on the coast were warmer, reaching zero, amid stunning views and fjords. Upon my return to Norway I arrived in the cities of Tromsø and Alta. I spent Christmas here with a family who extended hospitality to me before I left for the North Cape. I reached it at four o'clock in the afternoon, and the road was under a full moon and with a favorable wind.”

There was no shortage of shots with the flag of the four Moroccans, immortalizing a unique moment: “Now comes the most difficult stage with the gradual return to Sardinia. Cold temperatures and new obstacles await. “I met many decent people who welcomed me with a bed and hot food.”

And although the return home has already begun, there is no shortage of appreciation on Murgia's social channels from hundreds of followers, dazzled by the Nordic landscape and amazed by the young man's achievement. Which once again clarifies: “I don’t consider myself reckless. I do it for the love of the environment and driven by a lot of passion, raising awareness of sustainable ecotourism. “People's affection accompanies me every kilometer.”

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