Saturday, July 27, 2024

A rare phenomenon observed by an Italian


Someone was seen Stella Nana Bianca “On and off” in a fluctuating fashion in 30 minutes. over there astronomical phenomenon On a celestial body located 1400 light-years away from Tera. The hypothesis is that the white dwarf extracts hydrogen and other materials from another nearby star. In addition, significant changes have been recorded in the region magnetic field.

A rare phenomenon that is usually observed over a period of days

What makes the news is not the “on and off” orb, typical of white dwarf stars, but its frequency. This phenomenon, which is usually observed in the frequency of months or days, manifests itself in just 30 minutes. To reveal these important findings, data collected by NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Telescope (Tess), thanks to the work of the Durham University team, was used.

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This phenomenon specifically relates to a white dwarf within the Tw Pictoris star system, which is 1,400 light-years from Earth. In just half an hour the celestial body first increased its brightness and then rapidly decreased its brightness; All are observed in the presence of severe variation in the magnetic field. The researchers believe the discovery may help them learn more about the physics behind the so-called “accumulation process” that black holes, white dwarfs and neutron stars use to feed on surrounding matter.

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What are white dwarfs

White dwarfs are what most stars become after burning the hydrogen that powers them. This will also be the end that awaits our “star”, the Sun that in about five billion years will pass this new phase. These types of celestial bodies are usually roughly the size of the Earth, but the mass of the Sun. White dwarfs feed on the hydrogen of their companion stars, and this increases their brightness.

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Appearance details

The TW Pictoris system consists of a white dwarf feeding on an ocean accretion disk powered by hydrogen and helium stolen from its smaller companion star. «The team showed that when a white dwarf eats – or grows – it gets brighter». «The telescope allowed our team to observe sudden drops and an increase in brightness never seen before when observing a white dwarf.». According to experts, what happened could be the result of reshaping the surface magnetic field of the orb, as it acquires new hydrogen.

Explanation of Dr. Skaringi

According to the lead author of the research, Dr. Simon Scaringi, of the Center for Extragalactic Astronomy at Durham University, “NSChanges in brightness are usually relatively slow». «Seeing Tw Pictoris’ brightness fall off in just 30 minutes is amazing in itself»Explanation of the researcher. This is because this phenomenon has never been seen in other white dwarfs, so it is «Completely unexpected from our understanding of how these systems are supposed to be fed by accretion disk». “The star It was noticed by the team that it seems to be turned on and off’ concluded the expert.


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