Saturday, July 27, 2024

Where do you work most in Italy? Important analysis results


This is where most of the work is being done in Italy based on the results of this recently published analysis. What is the difference in working hours in one day.

Where people work most in Italy –

We show you the results of the analysis carried out by the Cgia Association in Mestre, reported by According to what the source reported, this will be exactly the case The city where you work most.

Where people work more in Italy

The source in question reported on a recent analysis, which highlighted a significant difference between working hours in the north of our country and those working in the south. The association would have taken into account regular and illegal work. Based on the results, the average number of paid working days in the North will be: 247While to the south of 211. The association was supposed to take into account both regularly paid hours worked as regulated by the contract and illegally worked hours. We know that if the latter had not been taken into account, the results would have been completely different.

Office in Italy
Office in Italy –

To report the above data, work done by private sector employees would have been taken into account. Based on the data collected, it was possible to develop a classification of Italian cities in which people will work more days and those in which they will work less. In particular, it will be Italian cities where people will work fewer days 193.7 Nuru, with 193.4 Messina and with 177.2 Fibo Valentia. And what will they be? The city where people work the most in Italy? Here we reveal it to you below.

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This city will win

The analysis showed that the sectors in which we will earn the most money in our country will be so finance Insurance at a profit of about 170 euros per day; The extractive sector is 163.5 euros and the energy sector is 161.3 euros per day. As for the lowest wages, they were recorded in sectors such as rentals, travel agencies and business services at an average of 68.2 euros per day. The hospitality and restaurant sector comes in behind, with an average of €56 per day.

People in the office
People in the office –

What about the cities where you work a lot in Italy? Again, based on the research reported by the source we revealed above, we will work 256.9 days in Treviso, 258.2 days in Vicenza, and finally 259.5 days in Leko. It will be the municipality of Lombard in which about 50 thousand people live, and therefore it is the city where the greatest amount of work takes place in Italy. Naturally, we advise you to draw your conclusions with a pinch of salt and perhaps seek an expert opinion to analyze the data in question.


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