Saturday, July 27, 2024

weather forecast. Bad weather, floods and severe damage between Spain and North Africa


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Flood in Algeria in an archive photo
Flood in Algeria in an archive photo

The vortex approaching Italy causes A clear deterioration is also evident in our southern regions, moved between Friday and Saturday in the western Mediterranean causing bad weather with showers and thunderstorms. Southwest Europe and North Africa were both on account of this. In particular, the Mediterranean coast of Spain and the Balearic Islands, where very heavy rains caused floods and torrential rains occurred Friday evening in the Alicante region, on the Costa Blanca.

In a few dozen minutes, rain gauges gathered Up to 100 mm of rain in Torrevieja, coastal location About fifty kilometers south of Alicante. A school was evacuated, streets flooded and water entered the basements of buildings, causing severe damage, especially to commercial facilities.

The wave of bad weather later moved towards North Africa, passing through the Balearic Islands and It arrived in Algeria on Saturday with heavy rain. In some coastal areas near Algiers, rainfall exceeded 200 mm, As evidenced by the Ain Benin station with a diameter of 216 mm. The consequences were so dire, with a real flood hitting the Algiers region, that the streets were completely swept away by water, paralyzing the city’s traffic on Saturday evening. The situation improved during the night and finally exhausted the most intense phenomena on Sunday.

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