Saturday, July 27, 2024

Weather, 30th and 31st January in Po Valley with fog and smog


Meteorological winter is winding down: two-thirds of the season is now behind us, a season that practically never begins except for fleeting and very brief appearances. And the long-term prospects are not promising: atmospheric anomalies A strong subtropical anticyclone Firmly established in many European countries and the Mediterranean, it looks set to continue for at least another week: Probably from February 8-9 So there will be no rain and snow.

In the northern states, especially in the plains, you can feel a little cold only at night the fog It is a Very poor air qualityEspecially in the Po Valley, at least throughout this week, as a result of this atmospheric stability.

In other parts of the country Maximum temperature will be higher than normal 6-8 °C in the mid-north and sunny parts of SardiniaBut with a The peak of the “hostile heat” is expected during the first weekend of February When values ​​closer to 20 degrees are not excluded. Even in the mountains the climate is exceptionally mild, with frost in the western Alpine region at 3000-3200 meters.

Weather forecast for Tuesday 30th

Mostly sunny weather throughout most of our territory In the north, high and thin clouds over Tuscany and Sardinia and, in the morning, cloud cover over northern Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria and eastern Sicily. Attention Fog on the Po Valley and the coasts between Veneto and Emilia Romagnathick (with visibility less than 100 m), and temporarily and partially lifting during the central part of the day, but spreading again after sunset.

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The maximum temperature often increases slightly And above normal except in foggy areas. Moderate winds from the northeast in the Ionian Sea east of the Sardinia Channel.

Weather forecast for Wednesday 31st

Weather conditions do not undergo significant changes. Passage of medium-high clouds is noticeable over central-northern regions, more extensive in the north during the second part of the day. Elsewhere the weather is hot, but still Widespread and dense fog during the night and morning in the Po valley up to the Adriatic coasts.

Maximum temperature in sunny areas is 14 to 20 degrees; At night and at dawn Weak frost at lower elevations in the north Also, locally, in the inner parts of the core. Wind: Moderate from Tramontana in the Ionian Sea, weak elsewhere.


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