Saturday, July 27, 2024

Von der Leyen and Macron open to amending EU treaties: ‘unanimity in key sectors no longer makes sense’


President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen opens for editing The treaties on which the European Union was founded The unanimous vote was cancelled. “I want to be clear that I will always be on the side of those who want to reform the European Union to make it work better. The point is, you told us where you want this Europe to go. Now it’s up to us to take the most direct way to get there. Using all limits what we can do internally, and yes, change treaties when necessary,” the President said, speaking at the closing ceremony of the Conference on the Future of Europe. “I welcome the fact that the European Parliament is ready for the first time to use its powers to propose an agreement. Let us work together on all this. No taboos. No ideological red lines. We do things here and now.”, he added.

to any concern unanimous voteVon der Leyen, who often blocked European decisions, said, “It is in some key areas that it doesn’t make sense anymore if we want to be able to move faster. Or that Europe should play a bigger role, for example in health. Or in defense. And we need to improve the performance of our democracy on a lasting basis.”

Even the boss Macron He said he supported “reforming our texts” by calling for “a review agreement. It is a proposal from the European Parliament and I agree with it.” This was stated by French President Emmanuel Macron at the closing ceremony of the Conference on the Future of Europe.

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As for Ukraine’s possible entry into the European Union, Macron has stopped Kyiv’s enthusiasm; “L”Ukraine From the bottom of her heart she is already a member of our union but even if tomorrow we give her the status of a candidate, which I hope, we all know that the process of joining takes several years, even decades, and this must be said with sincerity. We cannot abandon the principles that are the foundations of this Europe.”

“From a political point of view, Europe is wider than the European Union” and “the historic challenge that awaits us today” is “the creation of a European political community, a new European architecture that would allow democratic European states that adhere to our values ​​to create a new space for political and security cooperation in the areas of Energy, transport, investment, infrastructure, freedom of movement and youth.”


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