Saturday, July 27, 2024

Utca Summit Slip: Stopping deforestation in the Amazon is the furthest thing


First slip into the new era from OTCA, the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization towards the goal of ‘no deforestation’, which saw a two-day attempt at a resurgence at the summit of Belém, in the Brazilian state of Pará in order to ensure that the rainforest remains green. The lungs of our planet.

For Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela, The August 8-9 meeting was meant to be a turning point, and an opportunity for the South American countries that host the forest to come together to define a common path to protect forests. biological area And to treat organized crime, Capitalizing on an event that has only occurred three times in 45 years (most recently in 2009), but this was not the case.

The outcome of the two-day summit is merely a long and clear declaration, of 113 points, to promote the sustainable development of a strategic region hosting about 10% of the world’s biodiversity, but which will fail to set a common goal to end to zero deforestation by 2030.

In the document, i villages Amazon They only stress the urgency of agreeing on common goals before the base year to defend the forest and stop the progress of illegal extraction Natural Resourceshowever, without putting in place concrete measures.

A new agenda but no traces, one ‘road map’ Which remain vague especially with regard to measures to manage water resources, safety and health, sustainable infrastructures and the promotion of human rights of indigenous peoples.

Reaching zero deforestation after reducing it by 42 percent in just seven months from previous levels, the 34,000 square kilometers razed by Bolsonaro remains a goal for Lula, who left the summit without making any comments. The media knew it as a defeat for the country.

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